Calcium, Dairy Free Diet, Plant Based Diet
How can my child get enough calcium without dairy?
Dairy products are a major source of calcium, so if your family avoids or limits dairy products, it’s important to include non-dairy sources of calcium in their eating pattern.
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Dairy Free Diet, Milk Alternatives, Plant Based Diet
What is the best dairy alternative drink for my toddler?
There has been an explosion of plant-based drinks available in the UK in the last few years and there is now a huge variety of these plant-based drinks available in supermarkets and health food shops around the country. However, there are a few things that I feel are important to consider before choosing one of these drinks for young children.
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Dairy Free Diet, Plant Based Diet
What does ‘plant-based’ actually mean?
Plant-based eating patterns have become increasingly popular in the UK over the past decade or so. The Vegan Society reported that the number of people following a vegan diet quadrupled from 2014 to 2019. Additionally, a more recent survey by the Vegan Society in May 2021, revealed that 1 in 4 British people had reduced the amount of animal products they were consuming since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic (1).
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