How to meet your child’s calcium requirements on a plant-based eating pattern
Have you ever wondered how your child will be able to get enough calcium to support their growth without consuming dairy products?
- Have you had family members/health professionals question your choice not to offer dairy products to your child?
- Are you unsure about the safety of soya?
- Ever wondered what the best dairy alternative drink is for your child?

If you answered ‘YES’ to any of these questions, then this ebook is perfect for you!
This is a 26-page comprehensive guide to help you provide sufficient calcium to your child without offering any dairy products! The pictorial guide includes meal examples for different age groups, delicious recipes and is fully referenced so that you can be sure the information is scientific and evidence-based.
Grab the ebook - £9.99I have found the ebook so helpful! It has really helped me have confidence in what I feed my little boy. As soon as I read the ebook I changed his yogurt and milk straight away. I didn’t realise the ones I was using didn’t contain calcium. It also gave me really clear illustrations of how much calcium he needs and what that looks like in real life food. Initially I felt a bit down about he fact he had a dairy allergy and worried that he was missing out, but the best thing for this was equipping myself with the knowledge to ensure he gets what he needs.
Someone I know who has two daughters with allergies recommended your Instagram account and I felt I learnt so much after only five minutes. That’s why I purchased the book to have all the information to hand in one place and it has been really useful. I’ve already made some swaps to the milks, yogurts I buy, and the book has been great at pointing out the best alternatives. I feel that a lot of the information is just not readily available out there or the sources don’t seem reliable. The organic vs. non-organic and calcium was a revelation to me, but seems so obvious now!
I've followed Tiny Tots Nutrition on Instagram for a while and found all of the posts really interesting. I'm dairy free and my child is egg and dairy free and I'm breastfeeding at 18 months. I had spent hours online trying to find out the best advice for this combination but was struggling and getting really worried and stressed. I purchased the eBook and everything I had been searching for is in one place! With facts, recipes, product comparisons and recommended nutritional info - it's the most useful document I could get right now. Thank you so much!