Plant Powered Little People

Plant Powered Little People is a self-paced online course specifically designed for parents of children under the age of 5 years, who would like to include more plants in their little one’s eating pattern, whilst ensuring that all their child’s nutritional requirements are being met to support optimal growth and development so that they can thrive as happy little people!

Sign up for the course and receive:

  • 4 video modules covering all the topics
  • Q&As each week in the private Facebook group to support you on how to implement what you have learnt in the modules
  • Beautifully designed resources available in the PPLP course Resources Hub for easy access
  • 12 months access to all resources

Option 1 - Course only

Access to the course including all videos, downloads and private facebook group

Yes please, sign me up - £95

Option 2 - VIP package

Access to all the course content PLUS the private consultation package.

Yes please, sign me up - £275

Do you want to create balanced and nutritious plant-based meals for your family that provide all the nutrients they need to grow and thrive to be happy and healthy little people? Then my Plant Powered Little People Course is just for you!

The course is split into 4 modules, each one delivered by Paula in easy to watch video lessons, which include beautifully designed and informative resources to complement each module with helpful checklists and tips. As well as the self-paced online course, you will also join the Plant Powered Little People online community in a private Facebook group of like-minded parents/carers. Paula will be available each week in the private Facebook group to answer your questions and support you in feeding your family so that they feel nourished and grow up happy and healthy!

The topics covered in this course are:

  • Key nutrients – we will look at the key nutrients for children’s health and development and how to ensure their requirements are met on a plant based eating pattern.
  • Meal planning toolkit – you will learn how to meal plan like a pro using my simple but effective Meal Planning Toolkit to ensure you are providing a balance of all nutrients to your child. There will also be (simple and realistic) example meal plans for you to use straight away with your own family.
  • Dairy alternatives – What dairy alternative drinks and products are most suitable for young children? How do I choose a dairy alternative drink? Is soya safe for children? What options are available?
  • Mealtime strategies – learn effective and proven strategies for creating calm and happy mealtimes in your home so that everyone can enjoy their food without the mealtime battles!
  • Supplements – What supplements are recommended for plant-based children? Does my child need supplements if they are vegetarian or flexitarian? What are the appropriate dosages for young children? What brands are best?
  • Expert advice – The opportunity each week to get my expert advice in answering your questions in order to implement what you have learnt in the above sessions so that you never feel stuck feeding your child again!

The course includes:

  • 4 video modules covering all the topics mentioned above
  • Q&As each week in the private Facebook group to support you on how to implement what you have learnt in the modules (for 6 months!)
  • Beautifully designed resources that will be available in the PPLP course Resources Hub for easy access and for you to refer back to:
    • My super simple Plant Based Kids meal planner
    • Example Meal Plans for inspiration
    • Copy of all my slides so you don’t need to take notes during the modules
    • Supplement guide so that you know exactly what vitamins/minerals your little one needs and the correct dosage for their age
    • Top Tips for Feeding Toddlers so that you have calm and happy mealtimes
    • Handy guide to key nutrients on a plant based eating pattern
    • Super simple guide to choosing the BEST dairy alternative drink for your toddler
    • Calcium ebook – How to meet your child’s calcium requirements on a plant-based eating pattern
    • Iron, vitamin C and calcium checklist
  • Option to add a bespoke, tailored and individualised private consultation with me (additional charge at a discounted rate)

Sign up for the course and receive:

4 video modules covering all the topics, Q&As each week in the private Facebook group to support you on how to implement what you have learnt in the modules, and beautifully designed resources available in the PPLP course resources hub for easy access.
Yes please, sign me up to Plant Powered Little People - £95

Here’s what parents have said about the PPLP course:

This course was absolutely fantastic! I am so happy I did this course, it has made me feel much more comfortable and confident raising my vegan daughter. I get much criticism from family, friends and health professionals but now I've done this course they are more confident and so am I!

Suzy J

I wish this course had been available when my kids were younger (baby/toddler). I doubted myself the whole time, as I was never sure I was doing it right. This course covers all the important information you need to raise a plant-based child. Highly recommended!

Kim J

Lots of great things about the course. Number 1 is feeling confident feeding my daughter on a plant based diet. I was really anxious that I was doing the 'wrong thing' raising a plant based baby. I feel much more confident and informed now. ☺️ There are very few sources of information! Info on supplements was really helpful too. I was struggling to find the right ones.

Amanda N

We felt passionately that we wanted to raise our son vegan which was easy for the first 6 months as he was breastfed, but when weaning started we began to feel worried about the complexities of doing so. Having been vegan ourselves for 4 years, we had a lot of knowledge about meeting our nutritional needs but we're unsure as to whether any of that was applicable for a toddler. We did some research and had found a publication by the nutrition trust specifically tailored to meeting the dietary needs of babies and toddlers and bought some other specific vegan kids recipe books but wanted more reassurance from a professional in the UK that we were on the right track. We started following Paula on Instagram and when she announced she was planning to run a course specifically for people raising their babies and children Vegan, we were super excited and signed up straight away. The course was just what we needed with lots of helpful handouts and visuals which we have printed and put on the fridge as a quick reference when preparing meals. We also love the example meal plan! If Paula were do a stage 2 course, we instantly sign up!

Kim and Phil H

Thanks so much for the course I got so much out of it. My biggest takeaway was probably around Calcium, your resource on this was very informative and helpful. I also found it really helpful how you provided real food product choices and comparisons. I also liked the break up of the topics over the 4 weeks. I am in New Zealand so the timing was Tuesday morning for me which meant I was often juggling kids but it was really helpful I could listen then look at the resources later.

Sarah M

2025 © Plant Based Kids | Web Design by Nadja

Plant Powered Little People book

A practical guide to plant-based nutrition for parents of children under five, combining the latest scientific research with easy recipes that your little one will love. With all the information you need presented in colourful and visually accessible chapters, this fun and friendly book is essential reading for anyone interested in the benefits of raising children on a diet powered by plants.
PLEASE NOTE: I will be away from 13th December to 4th January. Any book orders during this time will be shipped on my return. Alternatively, you can order Plant Powered Little People from Amazon